
Power Levels

The term decibel has its origin in the fact that power and audio levels are related on logarithmic basis.

For standardization, the bel (\(\textrm{B}\)) is defined by the following equation relating two power levels, \(P_1\) and \(P_2\).

\(\boxed{G = \log_{10}\left(\frac{P_2}{P_1}\right)}\quad\textrm{B}\)

The decibel (\(\textrm{dB}\)) is defined such that \(10\;\textrm{decibels} = 1\;\textrm{bel}\).

\(\boxed{G_\mathrm{dB} = 10\log_{10}\left(\frac{P_2}{P_1}\right)}\quad\textrm{dB}\)

The terminal rating of electronic communication equipment (amplifiers, microphones, etc.) is commonly in decibels. For a specified terminal (output) power (\(P_2\)) there must be a reference power level \(P_1\). The reference level is generally accepted to be \(1\;\textrm{mW}\). The resistance associated with the \(1\;\textrm{mW}\) power level is \(600\;\Omega\), chosen because it is the characteristic impedance of audio transmission lines. When the \(1\;\textrm{mW}\) level is employed as the reference level, the decibel symbol frequently appears as \(\textrm{dBm}\).

\(\boxed{G_\mathrm{dBm} = \left.10\log_{10}\left(\frac{P_2}{1\;\mathrm{mW}}\right)\right|_{600\,\Omega}}\quad\textrm{dBm}\)

The decibel gain should more correctly be referred to as the voltage or current gain in decibels to differentiate it from the common usage of decibel as applied to power levels.

\(\displaystyle G_\mathrm{dB} = 10\log_{10}\left(\frac{P_2}{P_1}\right) = 10\log_{10}\left(\frac{\left.V_2\right.^2 / R_i}{\left.V_1\right.^2 / R_i}\right) = 10\log_{10}\left(\frac{\left.V_2\right.^2}{\left.V_1\right.^2}\right)\)

\(\boxed{G_\mathrm{dB} = 20\log_{10}\left(\frac{V_2}{V_1}\right)}\quad\textrm{dB}\)

Cascaded Stages

The magnitude of the overall voltage gain of a cascaded system is given by

\(\displaystyle \left|A_{v_T}\right| = \left|A_{v_1}\right|\cdot\left|A_{v_2}\right|\cdot\left|A_{v_3}\right|\cdots\left|A_{v_n}\right|\)

Applying the proper logarithmic relationship results in

\(\displaystyle G_v = 20\log_{10}\left|A_{v_T}\right| = 20\log_{10}\left|A_{v_1}\right| + 20\log_{10}\left|A_{v_2}\right| + 20\log_{10}\left|A_{v_3}\right| + \cdots + 20\log_{10}\left|A_{v_n}\right|\)

The equation states that the decibel gain of a cascaded system is simply the sum of the decibel gains of each stage.

\(\boxed{G_{\mathrm{dB}_T} = G_{\mathrm{dB}_1} + G_{\mathrm{dB}_2} + G_{\mathrm{dB}_3} + \cdots + G_{\mathrm{dB}_n}}\quad\textrm{dB}\)

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  • Neper

    Like the decibel, the neper is a dimensionless unit.

    Like the decibel, the neper is a unit in a logarithmic scale. While the bel uses the decadic (base-10) logarithm to compute ratios, the neper uses the natural logarithm.

    The neper \(\textrm{(Np)}\) is a logarithmic unit for ratios of measurements of physical field and power quantities, such as gain and loss of electronic signals.

  • Human Auditory Response

    One of the most frequent applications of the decibel scale is in the communication and entertainment industries. The human ear responds in a logarithmic fashion to changes in audio power levels.

    To establish a basis for comparison between audio levels, a reference level of \(20\) micropascals (\(\mu\textrm{Pa}\)) was chosen. The \(20\;\mu\textrm{Pa}\) level is the threshold level of hearing (\(0\;\textrm{dB}\)). Using this reference level, the sound pressure level in decibels is defined by the following equation:

  • Cascaded Op Amp Circuits

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  • Bode Plots

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